Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I couldn't help it......

Okay, so I know it has been a minute since I've posted my blogs....I've been having 3 much going on in my life right now! I'm working it out....but I came across this vid and it was absolutely HILARIOUS!!! Talk about Ms. Holliday doing three much!!!! Enjoy!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Let me put my feet up....bill me later

Right now I'm totally going through a moment where I feel I am doing 3 much. It deals with relationship issues so please brace yourself. As ridiculous as it sounds, I'm about to destroy a potentially good relationship because it may end bad. Is that crazy? I fear that it would make me feel as though I am wasting my time. I'm 25 and while on the surface that may be young....let's look at the bigger picture people....25 got here pretty damn quick so that means 30 is peeking it's evil head around the corner!

I don't want to be single forever....I want kids....all of that good stuff. So right now, my time is money (aka my future...okay, so I'm a little dramatic) and I don't want to waste it on a potentially bad relationship. Don't get me wrong, the guy hasn't done anything bad...if anything he's being WAY too nice (that's a whole 'notha post!) I feel myself doing 3 much regarding this...but I can't stop myself. So, if I can get you guys to put on your Therapist Hat for me....feel free to let me know what you think.


Friday, October 27, 2006

Are birthday lunches suppose to be stressful?!

First let me just wasn't even MY birthday and my co-workers stressed me out today at lunch. It was a slew of people just doing 3 much today. Where do I begin? Well, it started when 3 of us were carpooling to the lunch spot today to meet up with about 5 other people. The person driving parked waaaaaay on the 4th level and since I'm other coworker and I decided to wait for her to come down and give us the curbside service. (Ridiculous, I know) Did I mention it was windy and cold too? Not a good look.

To make a long story short....ole girl accidentally locked her keys in the car....with the engine running! Doing 3 much #1. Then here comes another lunch goer who basically could care less that we are freezing our buns off.....and she chunks us the deuce because I'm taking it she was too hungry to care. She says to us, "I'll save y'all seats". I turn to my one co-worker like....WTF??!! Are we going to the movies or some ish??!! Doing 3 much #2.

At this point we are trying to find a locksmith since she doesn't want to leave her car since the engine is running. During this time everybody is "waiting" on they are blowin' up my celly trying to figure out what happened...and now, the lunch goer who chunked the deuce up is all concerned...from AFAR! We get our co-worker situated to wait for the locksmith and I wind up driving my car. I sit down at the table and one of the ladies asks me...."So, tell us about your traumatic experience with the locks...."

WTF??!! Are you serious lady???!!! Just doing 3 much.....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Here's to Blogging

Finally. I'm here and it feels great! This is a spot where I will talk about anything from work to my personal life where people are just doing three much.....because sometimes people go beyond doing too much! I've been blogging on a private site for a while now and I'm ready to go public. I hope you will find this site funny and entertaining.

Here's to blogging!